3820 East Michigan Ave.
Clinton, MI 49236
Office: (517) 456-7722
Fax: (517) 456-7725

Convoluted Tubing Corrugators

for the production of technical profiles

Technical pipes of up to 65 mm outer diameter (OD) at max. are produced by the following corrugators: CM3.6, CM2100 used for automotive, medical, appliance electrical and many other special purpose use requiring a tube with great flexibility or special features during extrusion not possible under a normal vacuum tank process.

Annular and helical profiles are possible, and many industrial products today have special sections such as cuffs, reduced smooth sections, ovals or even rectangles included in the part design.

Model CM3.6 Corrugator

Tubing from 3mm to 6mm ID ...

Model CM2100 Corrugator

Tubing from 6mm ID to 65mm OD ...